释义 |
1 ?芝麻酱 拌油放开,吃时再放在开水里烫热,再插手芝麻酱(Sesame butter)和香油折衷的酱料。人生要在平淡之中求进步,又在艰苦中见其光辉;张湖德提议,别瞧不起你正经上班的哥们,他们要找对象,比你有... 2 ?芝麻油 ... butter paper 黄油包装纸 ; 奶油包装纸 ; 白脱纸 ; 牛油纸 sesame butter 芝麻酱 ; 拌面 ; 芝麻油 butter cream 奶油夹心饼 ; 牛油忌廉 ; 霜饰奶油 ; 加糖奶豆浆 ...
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The production technology of wheat germ peanut sesame butter containing multiple vitamines was introduced and the optimum recipe and operation process were determined in the paper. 介绍了多维麦胚花生芝麻酱的生产工艺,并通过实验确定出最佳配方和操作要点。 - 2
Represent food: Rice, bread, potato, soybean, bean curd, milk, sour milk, butter, meat, fish, alcohol, white sesame etc.. 代表食物:米饭,面包,土豆类,大豆,豆腐,牛乳,酸奶,黄油,肉,鱼类,酒精类,白芝麻等。 - 3
Then add the peanut butter, soy sauce, chilli oil, sesame oil, Sichuan pepper, salt, and chicken stock and simmer for 5 to 7 minutes. 然后加入花生酱,酱油,辣椒油,芝麻油,四川胡椒,盐和鸡汤,小火熬5至7分钟。