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鸟嘌呤(g) 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
This article's examples use DNA, which consists of two strands of adenine (A), cytosine (C), thymine (T), and guanine (G) nucleotides. 本文的示例使用 DNA,DNA 由腺嘌呤(A)、胞嘧啶(C)、胸腺嘧啶(T)和鸟嘌呤(G)组成的核苷酸双螺旋组成。 - 2
The genetic information of all living cells is stored in the DNA composed of the four canonical bases adenine (a), cytosine (c), guanine (g) and thymine (t). 所有活细胞的基因信息都储存在由四种碱基,即腺嘌呤(A)、鸟嘌呤(G)、胞嘧啶(C)、胸腺嘧啶(T)构成的DNA里。 - 3
Moreover, the difference was largely accounted for by something strange. Previous studies have shown that methylated cytosines are usually next to a letter called guanine (G). 此外, 造成它们的差别的主要原因却很奇怪, 先前的研究显示, 甲基胞核嘧啶通常在鸟嘌呤(G)字母的旁边.