Meanwhile, an accurate nonlinear filter model for moving base alignment is built, which meets the requirements of alignment velocity and accuracy in air-to-airmissiles.
The K-8 jet trainer, sometimes called the K-8 Karakorum or the Hongdu JL-8, is a joint venture between China and Pakistan, and is fitted with air-to-airmissiles and rockets.
K - 8喷气式教练机,有时被称为‘K - 8喀喇昆仑’或‘洪都巨浪8’日,是中国和巴基斯坦合作生产,配置空对空导弹和火箭装置。
As flight control software becomes the key to the production of advanced digitalized air-to-airmissiles, how to verify the embedded flight control software is of vital importance.