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亨曼,蒂姆 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
Mr. Perry won Wimbledon in 1936, the last British man to win there, a drought that has worn heavily on the psyche of players such as Mr. Murray, Tim Henman and others before them. Perry 在1936年赢得了温布尔顿网球公开赛,并且是最后一个在这里获得胜利的英国人。 之后打破决赛荒深深的映入了许多球员的心里,如穆雷 Tim Henman 等。 - 2
For years, Murray has been asked about the pressure he faced, like four-time Wimbledon semifinalist Tim Henman before him, to give Britain a champion in a sport it loves. 这几年,穆雷已经被问及很多次他现在面临的压力,就像在他之前四次闯进温网半决赛的蒂姆·亨曼那样,要为热爱网球的英国获得一个冠军。