释义 |
- 黑胡椒:一种香料,由印度藤蔓的干果与黑色外壳一起研磨而成。
1 ?黑胡椒粉 ... 白胡椒粉 white pepper ground; white pepper powder 黑胡椒粉 black pepper ground; black peppers 胡椒粉;辣椒;椒 pepper ...
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Scramble with a little olive oil, red and green bell peppers, maybe broccoli, onions, black pepper. 用少许橄榄油,红色和绿色的青椒,再加上西兰花,洋葱,黑胡椒一起翻炒。 - 2
Dig into two corn tortillas filled with black beans, corn, zucchini, tofu, and bell peppers, all covered in mild enchilada sauce. 用黑豆、玉米、南瓜、豆腐和甜椒填装到两个玉米粉薄烙饼里,并用以辣椒调味的一种墨西哥菜的汁淋在它们上面。 - 3
Pepperoni. Salami. Sandwich accompanied by lettuce, cucumber, Salami, roasted peppers, black olives. 贝贝·罗尼沙拉米三明治配生菜,黄瓜,沙拉米,烤辣椒,黑橄榄。