港口中文名: 希巴腊 港口英文名: GIBARA 港口代码: 港口缩写: 所在国家: CUBA 经纬度: 21°7’0”N,76°0’0”W 时差: +5:00 锚地: 泊位吃水:
1 固特异的目标是成为生产成本最低的公司 固特异连续4 年排名老三,1996 年6 月由新任董事长吉巴拉(GIBARA)掌舵。
Gibara was pushing the brand into discount chains like Wal-Mart's Sam's Clubs, forcing smaller retailers to cut prices.
FORBES: Magazine Article
Goodyear was a mess in early 2003 when Robert Keegan, a former Kodak president, replaced the 37-year veteran Samir Gibara as chief executive.
FORBES: Rolling, Rolling, Rolling
You can mostly blame an ill-conceived acquisition-and-growth plan engineered by Samir Gibara , 63, the former chief executive who remains as chairman.
FORBES: Blowout!