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Nobody is a civil Lord, a prelate or a bishop while he is in mortal sin. 没有人会是一个民间的主,一个总主教或主教,而他是在大罪。 - 2
In an interview with the Financial Times in March 2007, Lord Andrew Turnbull, a former head of the civil service, described Mr Brown as. 在和2007年三月份,金融时报的采访中,前行政部门主管安德鲁·特恩·布勒对布朗先生的描述是。 - 3
To the state the Lord has assigned the duty of keeping good order and peace, of punishing the wrongdoer, and of arranging all civil matters in society (Romans 13:3,4). 上帝委派国家的责任是:维持良好的秩序及和平,惩罚犯错的人和安排一切社会事务(罗马书13:3,4);