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绿化,种植 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
In addition to the visually greening effect to the neighborhood, the planting also filters the air and improves the air quality within the car park. 除了给予该街区视觉绿化效果外,植被还能过滤空气和提升停车场内空气质量。 - 2
The paper comprehensively study the greening indexes, the afforested plant application, the afforested planting structure of Zhuzhou city residential area, and has achieved the anticipated goal. 本论文对株洲市居住区绿化指标、居住区绿化植物应用、居住区绿化种植结构三方面进行了较全面的研究,达到了预期的目的。 - 3
The mosaic column emitter type drip irrigation pipe is widely used in water-saving irrigation fields , such as greenhouse, grapery planting, farmland planting, city greening and deserts greening etc. 内镶圆柱式滴头滴灌管广泛用于温室大棚、葡萄园种植、园林栽培、城市绿化、荒漠绿化等众多节水灌溉领域中。