释义 |
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In order to hold onto a piece of the green and the orange diarrhea, to me, were no longer just brilliant. 那一片为了守住绿色而泻下的橘黄,带给我的,已不再只是灿烂。 - 2
Followed by diarrhea, daily 3-5 times even dozens of day, ranging in water, deep shit with yellow or green, stench, may be associated with abdominal cramps, fever, sore and other symptoms. 继以腹泻,每日3 - 5次甚至数十日不等,大便多呈水样,深黄色或带绿色,恶臭,可伴有腹部绞痛、发热、全身酸痛等症状。 - 3
Indications and prevention of enteritis, diarrhea, dysentery pull yellow, white diarrhea and green loose stool caused by Salmonella, E. coli and other pathogenic bacteria. 主治和预防沙门氏菌、大肠杆菌等致病细菌混合感染引起的肠炎、腹泻,拉黄痢、白痢和绿色稀粪。