释义 |
ICA, 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
Once gathered by ICA, the content is organized (indexed) into documents that can be searched and analyzed. ICA 完成收集后,内容将被 组织(索引) 到可以执行搜索和分析操作的文档中。 - 2
During the procedure of finding base images using PCA and ICA, the number of source images is equal to base images. PCA和ICA在寻找基图像的过程中,源图像和基图像的数目都是相同的。 - 3
To avoid unnecessary coupling of the external application to ica, the document is converted into a generic, flat format before it is sent via a JMS message. 为了避免外部应用程序与ICA之间出现不必要的耦合,文档将被转换成一个通用的扁平格式,然后再将其通过JMS消息发送。