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1 ?多少与无脂肪 ...矮仔铤而走险 - 东方价值网 dinal Survey of Youth》)的数据,得出人体结构中脂肪(body fat, BF)多少与无脂肪(Fat-Free Mass, FFM)对收入有直接影响。非常明显,「有脂者入息趋下游(decreased wages)「无脂者上升。 2 ?无脂肪 ...矮仔铤而走险 - 东方价值网 dinal Survey of Youth》)的数据,得出人体结构中脂肪(body fat, BF)多少与无脂肪(Fat-Free Mass, FFM)对收入有直接影响。非常明显,「有脂者入息趋下游(decreased wages)「无脂者上升。 3 ?组织 ...中国学校卫生》2006年09期 正文快照】: 身体成分(body composition)是指机体脂肪组织(fat mass,FM)与去脂肪组织(fat-free mass,FFM)的含量及其在身体重量中所占的比例。 4 ?无脂肪组织 ... 非脂肪组织 lean tissue 无脂肪组织 fat-free mass; lean tissue 脂肪组织炎 pimelitis; steatitis ...
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The rest of the weight was fat-free body mass, which includes other components such as water or muscle, and is generally not the target of those seeking to lose weight. 其余重量都是无脂身体质量,包括身体的其他组成成分,如水或肌肉,而通常这不是减肥的目标。 - 2
Different particle size and microstructure, and the free fat content in whole milk powder with relation to the viscosity of chocolate mass are introduced. 研究了不同乳粉的颗粒大小和结构、游离脂肪含量对巧克力浆料粘度的关系。