释义 |
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Because identical twins come from a single fertilized egg that splits into two, they share virtually the same genetic code. 由于同卵双胞胎来自于一个分裂成两个的受精卵,他们实际上共享相同的遗传密码。 - 2
When the egg is fertilized, the substances become active and, presumably, govern the behavior of the genes they interact with. 当卵子受精时,这些物质变得活跃起来,并可能控制与它们相互作用的基因的行为。 - 3
The fried egg jellyfish, also known as medusa, produce eggs that are fertilized in sea water, which then develop into a tiny larva fixed to sea bed organisms. 煎蛋水母,也被称为美杜莎水母,它的卵在海水中受精,然后发育成固定在海床有机体上的微小幼虫。