释义 |
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In 2007, seven tons of steel fell off the 740-foot-tall building, paralyzing an architect on the ground. 2007年,七吨重的钢铁从740英尺高的大楼上坠落,把地面上一位建筑师砸成瘫痪。 - 2
The magnitude 8.9 earthquake slammed Japan's eastern coast Friday, unleashing a 13-foot tsunami that swept boats, cars, buildings and tons of debris miles inland. 周五日本东海岸遭遇8.9级地震,狂奔的13英尺高海啸巨浪横扫内陆船只,车辆,建筑和成吨的大面积残骸。 - 3
Three tons of waste a day can heat and power a 200, 000-square-foot building, as well as the GEM itself. 每天三吨废料可以加热并为一幢20万平方英尺的建筑包括GEM自己提供电能。