释义 |
1 ?埃迪尔内 埃迪尔内(Edirne)是个不大的城市,不过十万人左右。临近土耳其西部边界,紧靠希腊和保加利亚。 2 ?土耳其 更多来自 Edirne , 土耳其 ( Edirne )的会员.. 3 ?埃迪尔内省 Home (首页) ? Edirne (埃迪尔内省) ? ? ? ? 22000 4 ?阿德里安堡 列宁格勒(前苏联西北部港市) Petrograd????挖? 彼得格勒(苏联西北部港市列宁格勒) Adrianople????挖? 阿德里安堡(Edirne的旧称)[土耳其] Ashur????挖? n. 阿舒尔(古代亚述人崇拜的主神和战神),Assyria 最初的首都 Assur????挖? n.
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In Edirne, on our way to the Selimiye Mosque, we stopped at a small house in a poor neighborhood largely inhabited by Gypsies. NEWYORKER: The Next Crusade - 2.
The Selimiye Mosque, in Edirne, a city in northwest Turkey, is a magnificent stone edifice, with four minarets and an austere, octagonal-shaped body supporting a large dome. NEWYORKER: The Next Crusade - 3.
Sultan Yildirim Bayezid, for instance, recognizing us as a potential national asset, invited Jews persecuted by King Charles VI into the empire to be resettled in Edirne and the Balkans. FORBES: Ronald Reagan, Ibn Khaldun, Mahathir Mohamad: Back to Capitalist Basics