

单词 shake
释义 shake/ʃeik/ v. & n.v. (past shook /ʃʊk/; past part. shaken /ˈʃeik(ə)n/) 1 tr. & intr. move forcefully or quickly up and down or to and fro (用力)摇动,抖动 2a intr. tremble or vibrate markedly 发抖;颤抖 b tr. cause to do this 使发抖;使颤抖 3 tr.a agitate or shock 使震动;使震惊 b colloq. upset the composure of []扰乱;使心烦意乱 4 tr. weaken or impair; make less convincing or firm or courageous 削弱;动摇(信心或勇气) shook his confidence 动摇他的信心 5 intr. (of a voice, note, etc.) make tremulous or rapidly alternating sounds; trill (声音、音符等)发颤 his voice shook with emotion 他的声音因动情而发颤 6 tr. brandish; make a threatening gesture with (one's fist, a stick, etc.) 挥舞;(用拳头、棍棒等)作出威胁姿态 7 intr. colloq. shake hands []握手 they shook on the deal 他们握手成交 8 tr. esp. US colloq. [尤美口] = shake off n. 1 the act or an instance of shaking; the process of being shaken 摇动;摇晃;抖动;颤抖 2 a jerk or shock 颠簸;震动 3 (in pl. 用复数; prec. by 前接 the) a fit of or tendency to trembling or shivering 一阵颤抖,一阵战栗 4 Mus. a trill 【音】颤音 5 = MILK SHAKE in two shakes (of a lamb's or dog's tail) very quickly 飞快地 no great shakes colloq. not very good or significant []一般;普普通通 shake a person by the hand = shake hands shake down 1 settle or cause to fall by shaking 抖落;摇落 2 settle down 安顿;定居 3 become established; get into harmony with circumstances, surroundings, etc. 立住脚跟;适应了新环境 4 N. Amer. slang extort money from [北美] [俚语]敲诈(钱财) shake the dust off one's feet depart indignantly or disdainfully 愤怒(或轻蔑)地离开 shake hands (often foll. by 常后跟 with) clasp right hands at meeting or parting, in reconciliation or congratulation, or over a concluded bargain 握手 shake one's head turn one's head from side to side in refusal, denial, disapproval, or concern 摇头(表示拒绝、否认、反对或忧虑) shake in one's shoes tremble with apprehension (因恐惧而)发抖 shake a leg colloq. [] 1 begin dancing 开始跳舞 2 make a start 开始 shake off 1 get rid of (something unwanted) 抛弃,扔掉(不想要的东西) 2 manage to evade (a person who is following or pestering one) 摆脱(盯梢或纠缠不休的人) shake out 1 empty by shaking 抖掉;抖干净 2 spread or open (a sail, flag, etc.) by shaking 抖开(船帆、旗子等) 3 shed (personnel) as a result of reorganization (通过重组)裁减(冗员) shake up 1 mix (ingredients) by shaking 摇匀(配料) 2 restore to shape by shaking 抖动某物以恢复原状 3 disturb or make uncomfortable 打扰;使烦乱 4 rouse from lethargy, apathy, conventionality, etc. 使振作;激励 shakeable adj. (also 亦作 shakable)[Old English sc(e)acan, from Germanic]




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