

单词 gospel
释义 gospel/ˈɡɒsp(ə)l/n. 1 the teaching or revelation of Christ 教义,教训 2 ( Gospel)a the record of Christ's life and teaching in the first four books of the New Testament 福音书(指《圣经·新约》中的前 4 本书) b each of these books 四福音书之一 c a portion from one of these read at a church service (布道时读的)福音书中的一节 3 (also 亦作 gospel truth) a thing regarded as absolutely true 真理;主义 take my word as gospel 把我的话当作绝对真理 4 a principle one acts on or advocates 行动准则;信条 5 (in full 全称 gospel music) black American evangelical religious singing 福音歌曲(黑人宗教音乐) [Old English gōdspel (as GOOD, spel ‘news, SPELL1’), rendering ecclesiastical Latin bona annuntiatio, bonus nuntius = evangelium EVANGEL: later associated with God]




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