

单词 crash
释义 crash1/kræʃ/ v., n. & adv.v. 1 intr. & tr. make or cause to make a loud smashing noise (使)发出哗啦声响;发破裂声 the cymbals crashed 钹发出铿锵的响声; crashed the plates together 使碟子碰撞发出哗啦的响声 2 tr. & intr. throw, drive, move, or fall with a loud smashing noise 哗啦一声掷出(或坠落) 3 intr. & tr.a collide or cause (a vehicle) to collide violently with another vehicle, obstacle, etc.; overturn at high speed (使车辆等)猛撞,撞毁;(急速)翻车 b fall or cause (an aircraft) to fall violently on to the land or the sea (使飞机)坠毁 crashed the plane 使飞机坠毁; the airman crashed into the sea 那飞行员坠落在大海里 4 intr. (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 into) collide violently 猛烈碰撞 crashed into the window 猛地撞在窗户上 5 intr. undergo financial ruin 倒闭,破产 6 tr. colloq. enter without permission [] (未经许可)擅自闯入 crashed the cocktail party 未经邀请擅自闯入鸡尾酒会 7 intr. colloq. be heavily defeated []失败,惨败 crashed to a 4 0 defeat 0 4 惨败 8 intr. Computing (of a machine or system) fail suddenly 【计算】(机器或系统)突然故障 9 tr. colloq. pass (a red traffic light etc.) [](红灯等) 10 intr. (often foll. by 常后跟 out) slang go to sleep, esp. in an improvised setting [俚语] (尤指临时)借宿 n. 1a a loud and sudden smashing noise (突然的)破裂声;(巨大的)哗啦声 a thunder crash 轰隆隆的雷声; the crash of crockery 陶瓷器皿摔碎的哗啦声 b a breakage (esp. of crockery, glass, etc.) (尤指陶瓷、玻璃等的)破碎,毁坏 2a a violent collision, esp. of one vehicle with another or with an object (尤指车辆)猛撞,撞毁 b the violent fall of an aircraft on to the land or sea (飞机的)坠毁 3 ruin, esp. financial (尤指金融)崩溃,暴跌 4 Computing a sudden failure which puts a system out of action 【计算】(系统的)突然故障 5 ( attrib.) done rapidly or urgently 应急的,速成的 a crash course in first aid 急救知识速成课程; a crash diet 应急食品,速效饮食 adv. with a crash 哗啦一声地 the window went crash 窗户玻璃哗啦一声碎了[Middle English: imitative]




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