释义 |
rise/raiz/ v. & n.●v. intr. (past rose /rəʊz/; past part. risen /ˈriz(ə)n/) 1 move from a lower position to a higher one; come or go up 上升,升高,升起 2 grow, project, expand, or incline upwards; become higher 长高;耸起;凸起;向上倾斜;变高 3 (of the sun, moon, or stars) appear above the horizon (日、月、星等)在地平线上出现 4a get up from lying or sitting or kneeling (从躺、坐或跪姿)站起,起身,起立 rose to their feet 站起来; rose from the table 离席 b get out of bed, esp. in the morning (尤指早晨)起床 do you rise early? 你起得早吗? 5 recover a standing or vertical position; become erect 竖立,竖起,直立 rose to my full height 直直地站起 6 esp. Brit. (of a meeting etc.) cease to sit for business; adjourn [尤英] (会议等)闭会;休会 Parliament rises next week 议会下周休会; the court will rise 法庭将休庭 7 reach a higher position or level or amount (位置、平面或数量)上升,上涨 the flood has risen 洪水上涨了; prices are rising 价格上涨了 8 develop greater intensity, strength, volume, or pitch (密度、力量、音量或音调)增强,上升 the colour rose in her cheeks 她面颊更红了; the wind is rising 风刮得越来越猛; their voices rose with excitement 由于激动,他们提高了嗓门 9 make progress; reach a higher social position 进步;晋升,社会地位提高 rose from the ranks (显贵)出身卑微;(军人)出身行伍 10a come to the surface of liquid 浮起,漂起 bubbles rose from the bottom 水泡浮起; waited for the fish to rise 等着鱼浮上水面 b (of a person) react to provocation (人)对刺激起反应 rise to the bait 中圈套 11 become or be visible above the surroundings etc., stand prominently 高耸,矗立 mountains rose to our right 大山矗立在我们右侧 12a (of buildings etc.) undergo construction from the foundations (建筑物等)被建起 office blocks were rising all around 到处都在兴建办公大楼 b (of a tree etc.) grow to a (usu. specified) height (树等)长到某(特定)高度 13 come to life again 复活 rise from the ashes 从灰烬中再生; risen from the dead 复活了 14 (of dough) swell by the action of yeast etc. (面团)发酵胀起,发起来 15 (often foll. by 常后跟 up) cease to be quiet or submissive; rebel 起义,造反,反抗 rose up against the despot 反抗暴君 16 originate; have as its source 起源,发源 the river rises in the mountains 河流发源于山脉 17 (of wind) start to blow (风)刮起;(风力)增强 18 (of a person's spirits) become cheerful (情绪)变得愉快 19 (of a barometer) show a higher atmospheric pressure (气压计上)气压升高 20 (of a horse) rear (马)前蹄腾起 rose on its hind legs 扬起前蹄站立 21 (of a bump, blister, etc.) form (肿块、水疱等)长出 22 (of the stomach) become nauseated (esp. in phr. 尤用于短语 one's gorge rises at 某人对…作呕) (胃)恶心 ●n. 1 an act or manner or amount of rising 上升,上涨,增强,增加;上升(或上涨、增强、增加)的方式、幅度或量 2 an upward slope or hill or movement 向上的斜坡;小山;向上的运动 a rise in the road 道路上的坡; the house stood on a rise 房子坐落于小山上; the rise and fall of the waves 波浪的起伏 3 an increase in sound or pitch 音量的增强,音调的提高 4a an increase in amount, extent, etc. (数量、幅度的)增长 a rise in unemployment 失业的增加 b Brit. an increase in salary, wages, etc. [英] (薪水、工资等的)增加 5 an increase in status or power (地位的)提高,(权力的)增加 6 social, commercial, or political advancement; upward progress (社会或政治的)进步,(商业的)发展 7 the movement of a fish to the surface, to take a fly or bait (鱼为咬饵而)浮上水面 8 origin 起因,起源,由来 9a the vertical height of a step, arch, incline, etc. (台阶、拱形或斜坡等的)垂直高度 b = RISER 2 □ get (or take) a rise out of colloq. provoke an emotional reaction from (a person), esp. by teasing [口] (尤指通过挑逗而)引起(某人的)情绪反应;惹恼某人 □ on the rise on the increase 在增加(或上涨、上升、增强等) □ rise above 1 be superior to (petty feelings etc.) 摆脱,克服,超越(狭隘的情感等) 2 show dignity or strength in the face of (difficulty, poor conditions, etc.) 以超越的姿态面对(困难、困境等) □ rise and shine (usu. as imper. 通常作祈使句) colloq. get out of bed smartly; wake up [口]快起床,快醒来 □ rise in the world attain a higher social position 飞黄腾达 □ rise to develop powers equal to (an occasion) 发挥能力去对付(某种场合),起而应变 □ rise with the sun (or lark) get up early in the morning 早起 [Old English rīsan, from Germanic] |