释义 |
verse/vɜ:s/ n. & v.●n. 1a metrical composition in general (opp. 反义 PROSE n. 1) (总称)诗;诗体;韵文 wrote pages of verse 写了几页诗 b a particular type of this 诗;诗体;韵文 English verse 英语诗 2a a metrical line in accordance with the rules of prosody 诗行,诗句 b a group of a definite number of such lines 诗句 c a stanza of a poem or song with or without refrain 诗节 3 each of the short numbered divisions of a chapter in the Bible or other scripture (指《圣经》或其它经文中的)节 4a a versicle 短诗 b a passage (of an anthem etc.) for solo voice (指圣歌等的)独唱部 ●v. tr. 1 express in verse 用诗表达;以诗叙述 2 (foll. by 后跟 in) instruct; make knowledgeable 使熟练;使精通 □ verselet n. 小诗,短诗 [Old English fers from Latin versus ‘a turn of the plough, a furrow, a line of writing’, from vertere vers- ‘to turn’: reinforced in Middle English by Old French vers from Latin versus] |