释义 |
give/ɡiv/ v. & n.●v. (past gave /ɡeiv/; past part. given /ˈɡiv(ə)n/) 1 tr. (also absol. [亦含宾]; often foll. by 常后跟 to) transfer the possession of freely; hand over as a present 给;送给,赠送 gave them her old curtains 把她的旧窗帘送给他们; gives to cancer research 献给癌症研究 2 tr.a transfer the ownership of with or without actual delivery; bequeath 捐赠,赠送;遗赠 gave him £ 200 in her will 在她的遗嘱里给他留了 200 英镑 b transfer, esp. temporarily or for safe keeping; hand over; provide with (尤指临时性或为安全起见的)转让;移交;提供 gave him the dog to hold 把狗交给他牵; gave them a drink 给他们一杯饮料 c administer (medicine) 给(病人)发(药) d communicate or impart (a message, compliments, etc.) 传达,转达(消息、问候等) give her my best wishes 代我向她问好 3 tr. (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 for) make over in exchange or payment; pay; sell 付给(某人) (某钱数)以购买某物 gave him £ 30 for the bicycle 花 30 英镑买他的自行车 4 tr.a confer; grant (a benefit, an honour, etc.) 授予;赋予,赐予(利益,荣誉等) b accord; bestow (one's affections, confidence, etc.) 给予;赠予(爱、信任等) c award; administer (one's approval, blame, etc.); tell, offer (esp. something unpleasant) 颁发;给,给予(赞同、谴责等);转达(问候);提供,呈现,给(尤指不愉快,不合意的事情) gave him a talking-to 把他训斥了一番; gave him my blessing 替我向他问好; gave him the sack 把他解雇了 d pledge, assign as a guarantee 保证或支持某事 gave his word 他许了诺 5 tr.a effect or perform (an action etc.) 完成或履行(一次具体的动作) gave him a kiss 给了他一个亲吻; gave a jump 跳了起来 b utter 发出声响,说,讲 gave a shriek 尖叫起来 6 tr. allot; assign; grant 分发,摊派;分配,指派;给予 was given the contract 得到了合同,签了约 7 tr. (in passive 用于被动; foll. by 后跟 to) be inclined to or fond of 倾向于,喜爱,沉湎于 is given to speculation 陷入深深的思考 8 tr. yield as a product or result 产生,引起 the lamp gives a bad light 这灯的光线十分糟糕; the field gives fodder for twenty cows 这块地能产饲养 20 头牛的草料 9 intr.a yield to pressure; become relaxed; lose firmness 在压力面前屈服;放松,松懈;松动,缓和 they pushed hard but the door wouldn't give 尽管他们用力推,但那门还是打不开; old elastic gives too much 旧松紧带弹性太差 b collapse 坍塌,垮掉 the roof gave under the pressure 屋顶在重压下坍塌了 10 intr. (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 of) grant; bestow 给予,允许;赠予,授予 gave freely of his time 无偿提供他的时间 11 tr.a commit, consign, or entrust 委托,交付 gave him into custody 把他交由他人照管; give her into your care 由你来照顾她 b sanction the marriage of (a daughter etc.) 嫁出(女儿等) 12 tr. devote; dedicate 奉献,献身于;贡献,献出 gave his life to table tennis 献身乒乓球运动; shall give it my attention 我一定会认真对待的 13 tr. (usu. absol. [通常含宾]) colloq. tell what one knows [口]讲出所知情况 What happened? Come on, give! 怎么回事?快说说 ! 14 tr. present; offer; show; hold out 呈现;提供;展示;示出 gives no sign of life 全无生命迹象; gave her his arm 他向她伸出手臂; give him your ear 你该听听他怎么说 15 tr. Theatr. read, recite, perform, act, etc. 【戏】读,念,背诵,朗诵,表演,举办等 gave them Hamlet's soliloquy 为他们朗诵哈姆雷特的独白 16 tr. impart; be a source of 将(某性质)给予或赋予(某物或某人);作为…的来源,把(病)传染给… gave him my sore throat 把我的嗓子痛传染给了他; gave its name to the battle 以其为那场战斗命名; gave me much pain 给我带来如此痛苦; gives him a right to complain 给了他抱怨的理由 17 tr. allow (esp. a fixed amount of time) 允许,给(尤指一段固定的时间) can give you five minutes 能给你 5 分钟 18 tr. (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 for) value (something) (对某事进行)评价,估价 gives nothing for their opinions 对他们的意见不置可否 19 tr. concede; yield 让出;屈服,让步 I give you the victory 我承认你胜利了 20 tr. deliver (a judgement etc.) authoritatively 正式宣布,发表,传送,传递(宣判等) gave his verdict 宣布对他的裁决 21 tr. Cricket (of an umpire) declare (a batsman) out or not out 【板球】(裁判员)宣布(击球手是否)出局 22 tr. toast (a person, cause, etc.) 为(某人、某事等)干杯 I give you our President 请为我们的总统干杯 23 tr. provide (a party, meal, etc.) as host 作东道主举行,举办(招待会,宴会等) gave a banquet 举行宴会 ●n. 1 capacity to yield or bend under pressure; elasticity 在压力下弯曲或伸长的能力 there is no give in a stone floor 石质地板是不会伸缩的 2 ability to adapt or comply 适应或顺从的能力 no give in his attitudes 看他的态度毫无让步之意 □ give and take ● v. tr. exchange (words, blows, or concessions) 平等交换;互让;交换意见 ●n. an exchange of words etc.; a compromise 交换意见等;妥协 □ give as good as one gets retort adequately in words or blows 回敬,以牙还牙 □ give away 1 transfer as a gift 赠送,赠礼 2 hand over (a bride) ceremonially to a bridegroom (婚礼中)将(新娘)交给新郎 3 betray or expose to ridicule or detection 出卖;暴露 4 esp. Sport give inadvertently to the opposition (尤)【运动】无意中或不小心让给或输给对手 gave away a penalty 无意中被罚分 5 Austral. abandon, desist from, lose faith or interest in [澳]放弃,停止,失去信心或兴趣 □ give back return (something) to its previous owner or in exchange 归还,退还;交换 □ give a person (or thing) best see 见 BEST □ give birth (to) see 见 BIRTH □ give chase pursue a person, animal, etc.; hunt 追赶人、动物等;追捕 □ give down (often absol. [常含宾]) (of a cow) let (milk) flow (牛等)使(奶)流出 □ give forth emit; publish; report 发出;出版;公布 □ give the game (or show) away reveal a secret or intention 泄密,泄露企图 □ give a hand see 见 HAND □ give a person (or the devil) his or her due acknowledge, esp. grudgingly, a person's rights, abilities, etc. 勉强承认人的权利(能力) □ give in 1 cease fighting or arguing; yield 停止争斗;退让 2 Brit. hand in (a document etc.) to an official etc. [英] (向长官)呈递(文件等) □ give in marriage sanction the marriage of (one's daughter etc.) 把女儿嫁出去 □ give it to a person colloq. scold or punish [口]斥责;惩罚 □ give me I prefer or admire 我宁愿或更喜欢 give me the Greek islands any day 任何时候去希腊群岛我都同意 □ give off emit (vapour etc.) 发出(蒸汽等) □ give oneself (of a woman) yield sexually (指女人)禁不住性的诱惑 □ give oneself airs act pretentiously or snobbishly 自命不凡地,势利地,自以为高人一等地 □ give oneself up to 1 abandon oneself to an emotion, esp. despair 放任感情于其中(尤指绝望) 2 addict oneself to 专心于,埋头致力于 □ give on to (or into) (of a window, corridor, etc.) overlook or lead into (门、庭等)向着 □ give or take colloq. add or subtract (a specified amount or number) in estimating [口]在估算中(从一个特定的量或数中)加上或减去 □ give out 1 announce; emit; distribute 宣布;发出;散布 2 cease or break down from exhaustion etc. 精疲力竭 3 run short 缺乏,用尽 □ give over Brit. [英] 1 colloq. cease from doing; abandon (a habit etc.); desist [口]停止;放弃(习惯等);结束 give over sniffing 停止呼吸,死掉 2 hand over 托付,委托 3 devote 付出 □ give rise to cause, induce, suggest 引起,引发,使人想到 □ give tongue 1 speak one's thoughts 说出看法 2 (of hounds) bark, esp. on finding a scent (指猎犬在嗅到气息时)发出叫声 □ give a person to understand inform authoritatively 正式通知(某人) □ give up 1 resign; surrender 放弃,屈服,投降 2 part with 断绝,终止 3 deliver (a wanted person etc.) 引渡(通缉犯等) 4 pronounce incurable or insoluble; renounce hope of 宣布无法医治,不能解决;放弃希望 5 renounce or cease (an activity) 放弃;停止(行动) □ give up the ghost archaic or colloq. die [古义] [口]死 □ give way see 见 WAY □ give a person what for colloq. punish or scold severely [口]严厉惩罚或斥责 □ give one's word (or word of honour) promise solemnly 郑重保证 □ not give a damn (or Brit. [英] monkey's or toss etc.) colloq. not care at all [口]毫不在意,毫不在乎 □ what gives? colloq. what is the news?; what's happening? [口]怎么回事?出什么事了? □ would give the world (or one's ears, right arm, etc.) for covet or wish for desperately 极为贪求或期望 □ giveable adj.□ giver n.[Old English g(i)efan, from Germanic] |