

单词 receive
释义 receive/riˈsi:v/v. tr. 1 take or accept (something offered or given) into one's hands or possession 接到,接受 2 acquire; be provided with or given 获得,得到,被给予 have received no news 没有得到任何消息; will receive a small fee 将会得到一小笔费用(酬金) 3 accept delivery of (something sent) 收到(寄送来的东西) 4 have conferred or inflicted on one 被授予;遭受到 received many honours 被授予许多荣誉; received a heavy blow on the head 头上遭到重重一击 5a stand the force or weight of 承受…的力量或重量 b bear up against; encounter with opposition 迎受,抵挡 6 consent to hear (a confession or oath) or consider (a petition) 同意听取(忏悔或誓言),同意考虑(请求) 7 (also absol. [亦含宾]) accept or have dealings with (stolen property), knowing of the theft 收买(赃物) 8 admit; consent or prove able to hold; provide accommodation for 接纳,接待,为…提供食宿 received many visitors 接待了许多来访者 9 (of a receptacle) be able to hold (a specified amount or contents) (容器)可以容纳(一定容量或内容) 10 greet or welcome, esp. in a specified manner (尤指以特定方式)欢迎,迎接,接见 how did they receive your offer? 他们如何接受你的提议(报价)的? 11 react to (news, a play, etc.) in a specified way 以特定的方式对(新闻,戏剧等)做出反应(反响) novel was warmly received 小说得到热烈反响 12 entertain as a guest etc. 招待,款待 13 admit to membership of a society, organization, etc. 吸收(入会、社、组织等) 14 be marked more or less permanently with (an impression etc.) 或多或少被永久印上、留下(印记、印象等) 15 convert (broadcast signals) into sound or pictures (广播信号)转换为声音或图像,接收 16 Tennis etc. be the player to whom the server serves (the ball etc.) 【网球】接(发球) 17 (often as 常作 received adj.) give credit to; accept as authoritative or true (由于相信而)信任;接受;采纳 received opinion 被接受的意见 18 eat or drink (the Eucharistic bread and wine) 领用(圣餐) be at (or on) the receiving end colloq. bear the brunt of something unpleasant []遭受(不愉快的事情的)冲击 receivable adj.[Middle English via Old French receivre, reçoivre from Latin recipere recept- (as RE-, capere ‘take’)]




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