释义 |
compose/kəmˈpəʊz/v. 1a tr. construct or create (a work of art, esp. literature or music) 创作(艺术作品,尤文学或音乐作品) b intr. compose music 作曲 gave up composing in 1917 于 1917 年放弃了作曲 2 tr. constitute; make up 组成,构成 six tribes which composed the German nation 组成德意志民族的 6 个部落 3 tr. put together to form a whole, esp. artistically; order, arrange (尤指艺术性地)构图;整理,安排 composed the group for the photographer 为摄影师安排人物布局 4 tr.a (often 常作 refl.) calm; settle 使(自己)平静,使(自己)镇定 compose your expression 使你的表情镇定下来; composed himself to wait 平静下来等候 b (as 作 composed adj.) calm, settled 沉着的,镇定的 5 tr. settle (a dispute etc.) 调解,调停(争端等) 6 tr. Printing 【印刷】a set up (type) to form words and blocks of words 排字 b set up (a manuscript etc.) in type 排(手稿等)的版 □ composed of made up of; consisting of 由…组成(或构成) a flock composed of sheep and goats 由绵羊和山羊组成的羊群 □ composedly /-zidli/ adv.[French composer from Latin componere (as COM-, ponere ‘put’)]■ Usage 用法说明 In sense 2, compose is preferable to comprise (see Usage Note at comprise). 使用 compose 的释义 2 表示“构成,组成”比使用 comprise 更好些(见 comprise 词条的用法说明)。 |