

单词 spoil
释义 spoil/spɔil/ v. & n.v. (past and past part. spoilt (esp. Brit. [尤英]) or spoiled) 1 tr.a damage; diminish the value of 损坏,损害;糟蹋 was spoilt by the rain 被雨给破坏了; will spoil all the fun 将会破坏全部乐趣 b reduce a person's enjoyment etc. of 破坏…的兴致() the news spoiled his dinner 这条消息使他没有心情吃晚餐 2 tr. injure the character of (esp. a child, pet, etc.) by excessive indulgence 宠坏,惯坏(尤指孩子、宠物等) 3 intr.a (of food) go bad, decay; become unfit for eating (食物)变坏,变质,腐败 b (usu. in neg. 通常用于否定句) (of a joke, secret, etc.) become stale through long keeping (玩笑、秘密等)没有新意,老掉牙 4 tr. render (a ballot paper) invalid by improper marking 填错(选票)使作废 5 tr. (foll. by 后跟 of) archaic or literary plunder or deprive (a person of a thing) by force or stealth [古义] [文学用语]掠夺,剥夺 spoiled him of all his possessions 掠夺了他的全部财产 n. 1 (usu. in pl. 通常用复数)a plunder taken from an enemy in war, or seized by force 战利品,掠夺物 b esp. joc. profit or advantages gained by succeeding to public office, high position, etc. [尤诙] (竞选胜利、取得高位等后)获得的好处(优势) 2 earth etc. thrown up in excavating, dredging, etc. (挖掘、疏浚时挖出的)弃土,废石 be spoiling for aggressively seek (a fight etc.) 极想,渴望 spoilt for choice Brit. having so many choices that it is difficult to choose []选择太多而难以决定 [Middle English via Old French espoillier, espoille from Latin spoliare, from spolium ‘spoil, plunder’, or from DESPOIL]




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