

单词 elemental
释义 elemental/eliˈment(ə)l/ adj. & n.adj. 1 of the four elements (古代)四元素的 2 of the powers of nature 自然力的 elemental worship 自然力崇拜 3 comparable to a force of nature 可与自然力比拟的 elemental grandeur 威严; elemental tumult 激烈的吵闹 4 uncompounded 单质的;基本的;元素的 elemental oxygen 单质氧 5 essential 基本的,根本的,基础的 n. an entity or force thought to be physically manifested by occult means 神秘之力,超自然力 elementalism n. (in senses 1, 2 用于释义 1 2)[medieval Latin elementalis (as ELEMENT)]




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