

单词 drive
释义 drive/draiv/ v. & n.v. (past drove /drəʊv/; past part. driven /ˈdriv(ə)n/) 1 tr. (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 away, back, in, out, to, etc.) urge in some direction, esp. forcibly (尤指用力)赶,驱赶,围赶 drove back the wolves 赶退狼群 2 tr.a (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 to + infin., or to + verbal noun) compel or constrain forcibly 逼迫;迫使 was driven to complain 被迫申诉; drove her to stealing 逼她去偷窃 b (often foll. by 常后跟 to) force into a specified state 迫使成为某种状态 drove him mad 把他逼疯了; driven to despair 被逼得陷入绝望 c (often 常作 refl.) urge to overwork 驱使…拼命干;迫使…过分劳累 drives himself too hard 他拼命干活 3a tr. (also absol. [亦含宾]) operate and direct the course of (a vehicle, a locomotive, etc.) 驾驶,开(汽车、火车等) drove a sports car 开一辆跑车; drives well 车开得好,车很好开 b tr. & intr. convey or be conveyed in a vehicle, esp. a private car (cf. 参见 RIDE) (尤指用私车)驾车运送 drove them to the station 开车把他们送去车站; he drives to work 他开车去上班 c tr. (also absol. [亦含宾]) be licensed or competent to drive (a vehicle) 驾御,驾驶(车辆) does he drive? 他会开车吗 ? d tr. (also absol. [亦含宾]) urge and direct the course of (an animal drawing a vehicle or plough) 驱赶(牲畜拉的车或犁) e tr. colloq. operate (an electronic device etc.) []操作(电器等) bought a new computer but hasn't learnt to drive it yet 买了台新电脑,但尚未学会操作 4 tr. (of wind, water, etc.) carry along, propel, send, or cause to go in some direction (由风、水等)驱动,推动 pure as the driven snow 纯洁如飘雪 5 tr.a (often foll. by 常后跟 into) force (a stake, nail, etc.) into place by blows 打,敲(桩子、钉子等);拧,戳 drove the nail home 钉紧钉子 b Mining bore (a tunnel, horizontal cavity, etc.) 【采矿学】掘进(平巷),钻掘出(隧道、巷道等) 6 tr. effect or conclude forcibly 努力促成,达成 drove a hard bargain 促使一笔难做的买卖成交; drove his point home 把他的观点讲得十分清楚 7 tr. (of steam or other power) set or keep (machinery) going (蒸汽或其他动力)推动(机器)运转 8 intr. (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 at) work hard; dash, rush, or hasten 拼命地干;猛冲;挺进;急行 9 tr. hit (a ball) hard from a freely swung bat or racket 用力击(); 猛抽() 10 tr. (often absol. [常含宾]) Golf strike (a ball) with a driver from the tee 【高尔夫球】(从球座)() 11 tr. chase or frighten (game, wild beasts, an enemy in warfare, etc.) from a large area to a smaller, to kill or capture; corner (对猎物、野兽、敌军等)围赶;围歼;逼入困境 12 tr. Brit. hist. [英史义] hold a drift in (a forest etc.) (see DRIFT n. 9) (在林中等)赶拢牲口 n. 1 an act of driving in a motor vehicle; a journey or excursion in such a vehicle 驾驶;驱车旅行 went for a pleasant drive 开车兜风; lives an hour's drive from us 住在离我们开车一小时能到的地方 2a the capacity for achievement; motivation and energy 积极性;动力;干劲 lacks the drive needed to succeed 缺乏奋发图强的动力 b Psychol. an inner urge to attain a goal or satisfy a need 【心】()驱力;欲望 unconscious emotional drives 无意识的情感驱动 3a a usu. landscaped street or road (通常指景色如画的)街道;大道 b a usu. private road through a garden or park to a house (通常经过花园或公园的)私人车道 4 Cricket, Golf & Tennis a driving stroke of the bat etc. 【板球】【高尔夫球】【网球】(用球棒、球拍等)用力抽球;发急球 5 an organized effort to achieve a usu. charitable purpose (通常出于慈善目的的)运动 a famine-relief drive 解除饥荒运动 6a the transmission of power to machinery, the wheels of a motor vehicle, etc. 传动;驱动; (汽车等的)驱动轮 belt drive 皮带传动; front-wheel drive 前轮驱动 b the position of a steering wheel in a motor vehicle 驾驶座位 left-hand drive 左座驾驶 c Computing 【计算】 = DISK DRIVE 7 Brit. an organized competition, for many players, of whist, bingo, etc. [] (惠斯特、宾戈等)纸牌戏比赛 8 an act of driving game or an enemy 围赶(猎物); 围歼(敌人) 9 Austral. & NZ a line of partly cut trees on a hillside felled when the top one topples on the others [澳新]山坡上一行未全部砍断的树,由最高处的树伐到后依次压倒下一棵 drive at seek, intend, or mean 力争;要说;意指 what is he driving at? 他的意思是什么 ? drive out take the place of; oust; exorcize, cast out (evil spirits etc.) 取代;驱逐;开除;逐出 driving rain an excessive windblown downpour 大风雨 let drive aim a blow or missile (朝…) ; (对…) 发射(导弹) drivable adj. (also 亦作 driveable)[Old English drīfan, from Germanic]




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