

单词 divide
释义 divide/diˈvaid/ v. & n.v. 1 tr. & intr. (often foll. by 常后跟 in, into) separate or be separated into parts; break up; split 分;分开;分解;分裂 the river divides into two 河流分成两岔; the road divides 道路分岔; divided them into three groups 把他们分成 3 2 tr. & intr. (often foll. by 常后跟 out) distribute; deal; share 分配,分发;分给;分享 divided it out between them 在他们俩之间分发 3 tr.a cut off; separate; part 切割;分隔;分开 divide the sheep from the goats 把绵羊和山羊分开 b mark out into parts 标刻度于 a ruler divided into inches 一把刻有英寸的尺子 c specify different kinds of, classify 区分;分类 people can be divided into two types 人可以分成两类 4 tr. cause to disagree; set at variance 引起不和;使不一致 religion divided them 宗教使得他们分裂 5 Math. 【数】a tr. find how many times (a number) contains another (用某数) divide 20 by 4 4 20 b intr. (of a number) be contained in (a number) without a remainder (一数)除尽(另一数) 4 divides into 20 4 能除尽 20 c intr. be susceptible of division 被除尽 10 divides by 2 and 5 10 可被 2 5 除尽 d tr. find how many times (a number) is contained in another 除;除以(某数) divide 4 into 20 4 20 6 intr. Math. do division 【数】做除法 can divide well 除法做得好 7 Parl. 【议】a intr. (of a legislative assembly etc.) part into two groups for voting (立法机构等)分赞成和反对两组进行表决 the House divided 议会分组表决 b tr. so divide (a Parliament etc.) for voting 使(议会等)做表示赞成和反对的表决 n. 1 a dividing or boundary line 划分线;分界线 the divide between rich and poor 贫富界限 2 Geog. a watershed 【地理】分水岭 divided against itself formed into factions 分裂成派系而自我削弱 divide and rule maintain supremacy by preventing opponents from joining forces 分而治之 [Middle English from Latin dividere divis- (as DI-2, vid- ‘separate’)]




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