释义 |
curfew/ˈkɜ:fju:/n. 1a a regulation restricting or forbidding the public circulation of people, esp. requiring people to remain indoors between specified hours, usu. at night 宵禁,宵禁令 b the hour designated as the beginning of such a restriction (宵禁)开始的时间 c a daily signal indicating this 宵禁信号 2 hist. [史义]a a medieval regulation requiring people to extinguish fires at a fixed hour in the evening (中世纪)晚间定时灭火熄灯就寝的规定 b the hour for this 灭火熄灯就寝的时间 c the bell announcing it 灭火熄灯就寝的钟声 3 the ringing of a bell at a fixed evening hour 晚间定时的钟声 [Middle English from Anglo-French coeverfu, Old French cuevrefeu, from the stem of couvrir COVER + feu ‘fire’] |