释义 |
sound3/saʊnd/ v. & n.●v. tr. & intr. 1 tr. test the depth or quality of the bottom of (the sea or a river etc.) 探测,测量(大海或河流等的深度或底床性质) 2 tr. (often foll. by 常后跟 out) inquire (esp. cautiously ordiscreetly) into the opinions or feelings of (a person) 试探,探听,探询(某人的意见或情感) 3 tr. find the depth of water in (a ship's hold) 测量(底层舱的水深) 4 tr. get records of temperature, humidity, pressure, etc. from (the upper atmosphere) 记录(大气层的温度、湿度、气压等) 5 tr. examine (a person's bladder etc.) with a probe 用探针检查(膀胱等) 6 intr. (of a whale or fish) dive to the bottom (鲸鱼或鱼)潜入水底 ●n. a surgeon's probe (外科医生的)探针 □ sounder n.[Middle English from Old French sonder, ultimately from Latin SUB- + unda ‘wave’] |