释义 |
underlay1v. & n.●v. tr. /ʌndəˈlei/ (past and past part. -laid) lay something under (a thing) to support or raise it 把一物置于(另一物)之下,从下支撑(或垫起) underlaid the tiles with felt 用毡把瓷砖垫起来 ●n. /ˈʌndəlei/ a thing laid under another, esp. material laid under a carpet or mattress as protection or support 放(垫)在下面的东西;衬垫物;(尤指放在地毯或床垫下起保护或支撑作用的)地毯衬,床垫衬 [Old English underlecgan (as UNDER-, LAY1)]■ Usage 用法说明 Care should be taken not to confuse underlay, a somewhat rare verb, with underlie. See also Usage Note at LAY1. 应该注意:不要把 underlay 这个不太常用的动词和 underlie 搞混淆了。另见 LAY1 的用法说明。 |