释义 |
pierce/piəs/v. 1 tr.a (of a sharp instrument etc.) penetrate the surface of (尖物等)刺入(表面) b (often foll. by 常后跟 with) prick with a sharp instrument, esp. to make a hole in (用尖物)扎眼,(尤指)穿孔 c make a hole, opening, or tunnel into or through (something), bore through 在(某物上)钻洞;挖通道 d make (a hole etc.) 打洞(或孔等) pierced a hole in the belt 在带子上打洞 e (of cold, grief, etc.) affect keenly or sharply (寒冷、忧伤等)强烈地影响,深深地打动 f (of a light, glance, sound, etc.) penetrate keenly or sharply (光、目光、声音等)穿透,钻进 2 intr. (as 作 piercing adj.) (of a glance, intuition, high noise, bright light, etc.) keen, sharp, or unpleasantly penetrating (目光、直觉、高声、亮光等)锐利的;敏锐的;刺耳的;刺眼的 3 tr. force a way etc. through or into (something); break through or into 穿入,突破(某物) pierced the German line 突破德国人防线 4 intr. (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 through, into) penetrate 穿过,穿进 □ piercer n. 钻孔机;冲床 □ piercingly adv.[Middle English via Old French percer from Latin pertundere ‘bore through’ (as PER-, tundere tus- ‘thrust’)] |