

单词 cloud
释义 cloud/klaʊd/ n. & v.n. 1 a visible mass of condensed watery vapour floating in the atmosphere high above the general level of the ground 云,云雾 2 a mass of smoke or dust 烟雾,烟尘 3 (foll. by 后跟 of) a great number of insects, birds, etc., moving together (密集飞行的昆虫、鸟等)一大群 4a a state of gloom, trouble, or suspicion 忧郁(或烦恼)状态;疑团 b a frowning or depressed look 皱眉,沮丧的表情 a cloud on his brow 眉头紧皱 5 a local dimness or a vague patch of colour in or on a liquid or a transparent body (液体或透明物体的)混浊团 6 an unsubstantial or fleeting thing 虚幻的事物;一闪而过的事物 7 obscurity 黑暗,昏暗 v. 1 tr. cover or darken with clouds or gloom or trouble (云、忧愁、麻烦等)覆盖,遮蔽;使忧郁,使烦恼 2 intr. (often foll. by 常后跟 over, up) become overcast or gloomy 阴云密布,变阴沉 3 tr. make unclear 使模糊,使昏暗 4 tr. variegate with vague patches of colour 使…有污斑,使混浊 in the clouds 1 unreal, imaginary, mystical 虚无缥缈的;幻想的;神秘的 2 (of a person) abstracted, inattentive (指人)心不在焉的 on cloud nine (or archaic [古义] seven) colloq. extremely happy []极为幸福,飘飘然 under a cloud out of favour, discredited, under suspicion 失宠;名誉扫地;受怀疑 with one's head in the clouds daydreaming, unrealistic 做白日梦的,不切实际的 cloudless adj. cloudlessly adv. cloudlet n.[Old English clūd ‘mass of rock or earth’, probably related to CLOD]




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