

单词 jog
释义 jog/dʒɒɡ/ v. & n.v. (jogged, jogging) 1 intr. run at a slow pace, esp. as physical exercise 慢跑(尤指作为健身运动) 2 intr. (of a horse) move at a jogtrot ()缓步前进 3 intr. (often foll. by 常后跟 on, along)a proceed laboriously; trudge 吃力地向前移动;费力地走 b Brit. go on one's way []慢吞吞地走,拖着脚步行走 c Brit. proceed; get through the time [] (平稳而单调地)进行;度过时间 we must jog on somehow 我们好歹总得设法熬下去 4 intr. move up and down with an unsteady motion 颠簸 5 tr. nudge (a person), esp. to arouse attention 触碰(某人) (尤为唤起注意) 6 tr. shake with a push or jerk 轻推;轻摇 7 tr. stimulate (a person's or one's own memory) 唤起(某人或自己的记忆) n. 1 a shake, push, or nudge 轻摇;轻推;轻撞 2 a slow walk or trot 缓行;慢而有规律的走 [Middle English: apparently imitative: cf. GOGGLE]




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