

单词 academy
释义 academy/əˈkædəmi/n. (pl. -ies) 1a a place of study or training in a special field 学院;高等专科学校 military academy 军事学院; academy of dance 舞蹈学院 b hist. a place of study [史义]研究(学习)的地方,学校 2 (usu. 通常作 Academy) a society or institution of distinguished scholars, artists, scientists, etc. 学术研究团体,学会 Royal Academy 皇家学院 3 US & Sc. a secondary school, esp. US a private one [美和苏格兰]中学,[尤美]私立中学 4a Plato's followers or philosophical system 柏拉图的追随者;柏拉图的哲学体系 b the garden near Athens where Plato taught 柏拉图在雅典附近讲课的花园 [French académie or Latin academia from Greek akadēmeia, from Akadēmos the hero after whom Plato's garden was named]




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