释义 |
mean1/mi:n/v. tr. (past and past part. meant /ment/) 1a (often foll. by 常后跟 to + infin.) have as one's purpose or intention; have in mind 意欲;打算 they really mean mischief 他们存心捣蛋; I didn't mean to break it 我不是有意打碎的 b (foll. by 后跟 by) have as a motive in explanation 意图 what do you mean by that? 你怎么胆敢那样? 2 (often in passive 常用被动) design or destine for a purpose 企图;注定 mean it to be used 企图使用它; mean it for a stopgap 想把它作临时替代品; is meant to be a gift 作为礼物 3 intend to convey or indicate or refer to (a particular thing or notion) 意思是;意指(某特殊事或看法) I mean we cannot go 我的意思是我们不能去; I mean Richmond in Surrey 我指的是萨里郡的里士满 4 entail, involve 包含;蕴涵 it means catching the early train 这意味着要赶上早班车 5 (often foll. by 常后跟 that + clause) portend, signify 意指,意味 this means trouble 这意味着麻烦; your refusal means that we must look elsewhere 你的拒绝意味着我们要到别处去看看 6 (of a word) have as its explanation in the same language or its equivalent in another language (词语)表示…意思;作…解 7 (foll. by 后跟 to) be of some specified importance to (a person), esp. as a source of benefit or object of affection etc. (尤指作为利益的根源或意中人等) (对某人)具有意义(影响) that means a lot to me 那对我很重要 □ mean business be in earnest 认真的;算数的 □ mean it not be joking or exaggerating 不是开玩笑的;没有夸张的 □ mean to say really admit 你难道是说 usu. in interrog. 通常用于疑问句 : do you mean to say you have lost it? 你难道是说东西丢了? □ mean well (often foll. by 常后跟 to, towards, by) have good intentions 怀有好意 [Old English mœnan from West Germanic: related to MIND] |