释义 |
mince/mins/ v. & n.●v. 1 tr. cut up or grind (esp. meat) into very small pieces 切碎;剁碎;切细(尤指肉) 2 tr. (usu. with neg. 通常与否定词连用) restrain (one's words etc.) within the bounds of politeness 装作斯文地说(话等) 3 intr. (usu. as 通常作 mincing adj.) speak or walk with an affected delicacy 装腔作势地说话;假斯文地迈着小步走 ●n. esp. Brit. minced meat [尤英]切碎的肉 □ mince matters (usu. with neg. 通常与否定词连用) use polite expressions etc. 说话婉转(遮遮掩掩地说等) □ mincer n.□ mincingly adv. (in sense 3 of v. 用于动词释义 3)[Middle English from Old French mincier, ultimately from Latin (as MINUTIA)] |