

单词 cast
释义 cast/kɑ:st/ v. & n.v. (past and past part. cast) 1 tr. throw, esp. deliberately or forcefully (尤指故意或用力地)投,扔,掷,抛 2 tr. (often foll. by 常后跟 on, over)a direct or cause to fall (one's eyes, a glance, light, a shadow, a spell, etc.) 投射(目光、光线、阴影、吸引力等) b express (doubts, aspersions, etc.) 表达,表露(疑惑、诽谤等) 3 tr. throw out (a net, fishing line, etc.) into the water 撒网,抛钓丝 4 tr. let down (an anchor or sounding line) (锚或测深绳)沉入水中 5 tr.a throw off, get rid of 扔掉;剔除 b shed (skin etc.) esp. in the process of growth (尤指在生长过程中)脱皮;蜕皮 c (of a horse) lose (a shoe) ()脱落(铁掌) 6 tr. record, register, or give (a vote) 记录,登记(票数);投() 7 tr.a shape (molten metal or plastic material) in a mould 浇铸(熔化的铁、塑料材料等) b make (a product) in this way 铸造(某种产品) 8 tr. Printing make (type) 【印刷】制版 9 tr.a (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 as) assign (an actor) to play a particular character 分派(演员)扮演某角色 b allocate roles in (a play, film, etc.) (戏剧、电影等)选派演员 10 tr. (foll. by 后跟 in, into) arrange or formulate (facts etc.) in a specified form (事实等)分类整理;编排 11 tr. & intr. reckon, add up, calculate (accounts or figures) 计算;把(账目或数字)加起来 12 tr. calculate and record details of (a horoscope) 计算(或记录)星象 n. 1a the throwing of a missile etc. 投,抛,掷 b the distance reached by this 射程 2 a throw or a number thrown at dice 掷骰子;一次掷骰的点数 3 a throw of a net, sounding line, or fishing line 撒网;放测深绳;抛钓丝 4 Fishing 【捕鱼】a that which is cast, esp. the extremity of a line with hook and fly 钓丝;钓钩 b a place for casting 撒网处,放钓丝处 5a an object of metal, clay, etc., made in a mould 铸型,铸件 b a moulded mass of solidified material, esp. plaster protecting a broken limb 固定(骨折用的)敷料 6 the actors taking part in a play, film, etc. 演员班底,演员阵容 7 form, type, or quality 形状,类型;气质 cast of features 面貌; cast of mind 性格 8 a tinge or shade of colour 色调,色彩 9a (in full 全形 cast in the eye) a slight squint (轻微的)斜视 b a twist or inclination 弯曲,倾斜 10a a mass of earth excreted by a worm (蚯蚓弄出地面的)一堆泥土(或排泄物) b a mass of indigestible food regurgitated by a hawk, owl, etc. (鹰、猫头鹰等)吐出的不消化食物 11 the form into which any work is thrown or arranged (工作的)布置,安排 12a a wide area covered by a dog or pack to find a trail (猎狗等)追踪气味的开阔区域 b Austral. & NZ a wide sweep made by a sheepdog in mustering sheep [澳新] (牧羊犬)赶拢散开的羊群 cast about (or around or round) make an extensive search (actually or mentally) 到处寻找;试图(或设法)找到 cast about for a solution 绞尽脑汁寻找解决办法 cast adrift leave to drift 听任…漂泊 cast ashore (of waves etc.) throw to the shore (浪等)把…抛到岸上 cast aside give up using; abandon 把…丢在一边;抛弃 cast away 1 reject 丢掉,扔掉 2 (in passive 用被动) be shipwrecked (cf. 参见 CASTAWAY) 使()失事 cast one's bread upon the waters see BREAD cast down depress, deject (cf. 参见 DOWNCAST adj. 2) 使沮丧,使泄气 cast loose detach; detach oneself 放开;解开;使脱离 cast lots see LOT cast off 1 abandon 抛弃;丢弃 2 Knitting take the stitches off the needle by looping each over the next to finish the edge 【编织】收针 3 Naut. 【海】a set a ship free from a quay etc. 解船缆,解缆出航 b loosen and throw off (rope etc.) 解开并抛出(绳子等) 4 Printing estimate the space that will be taken in print by manuscript copy 【印刷】(根据稿件)估计版面篇幅 cast on Knitting make the first row of loops on the needle 【编织】起针,开始编结 cast out expel 赶出,驱逐 cast up 1 (of the sea) deposit on the shore (海水)把…冲上岸 2 add up (figures etc.) (数字等)加起来 [Middle English from Old Norse kasta]




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