释义 |
cast/kɑ:st/ v. & n.●v. (past and past part. cast) 1 tr. throw, esp. deliberately or forcefully (尤指故意或用力地)投,扔,掷,抛 2 tr. (often foll. by 常后跟 on, over)a direct or cause to fall (one's eyes, a glance, light, a shadow, a spell, etc.) 投射(目光、光线、阴影、吸引力等) b express (doubts, aspersions, etc.) 表达,表露(疑惑、诽谤等) 3 tr. throw out (a net, fishing line, etc.) into the water 撒网,抛钓丝 4 tr. let down (an anchor or sounding line) 把(锚或测深绳)沉入水中 5 tr.a throw off, get rid of 扔掉;剔除 b shed (skin etc.) esp. in the process of growth (尤指在生长过程中)脱皮;蜕皮 c (of a horse) lose (a shoe) (马)脱落(铁掌) 6 tr. record, register, or give (a vote) 记录,登记(票数);投(票) 7 tr.a shape (molten metal or plastic material) in a mould 浇铸(熔化的铁、塑料材料等) b make (a product) in this way 铸造(某种产品) 8 tr. Printing make (type) 【印刷】制版 9 tr.a (usu. foll. by 通常后跟 as) assign (an actor) to play a particular character 分派(演员)扮演某角色 b allocate roles in (a play, film, etc.) 为(戏剧、电影等)选派演员 10 tr. (foll. by 后跟 in, into) arrange or formulate (facts etc.) in a specified form 把(事实等)分类整理;编排 11 tr. & intr. reckon, add up, calculate (accounts or figures) 计算;把(账目或数字)加起来 12 tr. calculate and record details of (a horoscope) 计算(或记录)星象 ●n. 1a the throwing of a missile etc. 投,抛,掷 b the distance reached by this 射程 2 a throw or a number thrown at dice 掷骰子;一次掷骰的点数 3 a throw of a net, sounding line, or fishing line 撒网;放测深绳;抛钓丝 4 Fishing 【捕鱼】a that which is cast, esp. the extremity of a line with hook and fly 钓丝;钓钩 b a place for casting 撒网处,放钓丝处 5a an object of metal, clay, etc., made in a mould 铸型,铸件 b a moulded mass of solidified material, esp. plaster protecting a broken limb 固定(骨折用的)敷料 6 the actors taking part in a play, film, etc. 演员班底,演员阵容 7 form, type, or quality 形状,类型;气质 cast of features 面貌; cast of mind 性格 8 a tinge or shade of colour 色调,色彩 9a (in full 全形 cast in the eye) a slight squint (轻微的)斜视 b a twist or inclination 弯曲,倾斜 10a a mass of earth excreted by a worm (蚯蚓弄出地面的)一堆泥土(或排泄物) b a mass of indigestible food regurgitated by a hawk, owl, etc. (鹰、猫头鹰等)吐出的不消化食物 11 the form into which any work is thrown or arranged (工作的)布置,安排 12a a wide area covered by a dog or pack to find a trail (猎狗等)追踪气味的开阔区域 b Austral. & NZ a wide sweep made by a sheepdog in mustering sheep [澳新] (牧羊犬)赶拢散开的羊群 □ cast about (or around or round) make an extensive search (actually or mentally) 到处寻找;试图(或设法)找到 cast about for a solution 绞尽脑汁寻找解决办法 □ cast adrift leave to drift 听任…漂泊 □ cast ashore (of waves etc.) throw to the shore (浪等)把…抛到岸上 □ cast aside give up using; abandon 把…丢在一边;抛弃 □ cast away 1 reject 丢掉,扔掉 2 (in passive 用被动) be shipwrecked (cf. 参见 CASTAWAY) 使(船)失事 □ cast one's bread upon the waters see 见 BREAD □ cast down depress, deject (cf. 参见 DOWNCAST adj. 2) 使沮丧,使泄气 □ cast loose detach; detach oneself 放开;解开;使脱离 □ cast lots see 见 LOT □ cast off 1 abandon 抛弃;丢弃 2 Knitting take the stitches off the needle by looping each over the next to finish the edge 【编织】收针 3 Naut. 【海】a set a ship free from a quay etc. 解船缆,解缆出航 b loosen and throw off (rope etc.) 解开并抛出(绳子等) 4 Printing estimate the space that will be taken in print by manuscript copy 【印刷】(根据稿件)估计版面篇幅 □ cast on Knitting make the first row of loops on the needle 【编织】起针,开始编结 □ cast out expel 赶出,驱逐 □ cast up 1 (of the sea) deposit on the shore (海水)把…冲上岸 2 add up (figures etc.) 把(数字等)加起来 [Middle English from Old Norse kasta] |