释义 |
ear1/iə/n. 1a the organ of hearing and balance in humans and vertebrates, esp. the external part of this (人与脊椎动物的听觉和平衡器官)耳朵,(尤指)外耳 b an organ sensitive to sound in other animals (其他动物的)听觉器官 2 the faculty for discriminating sounds 听觉;听力 an ear for music 有音乐鉴赏力 3 an ear-shaped thing, esp. the handle of a jug 耳状物,(尤指)罐子的柄 4 listening, attention 听;注意 □ all ears listening attentively 全神贯注地听,认真地听 □ bring about one's ears bring down upon oneself 招惹嫉恨 □ give ear to listen to 倾听,听取 □ have a person's ear receive a favourable hearing 得到某人的聆听 □ have (or keep) an ear to the ground be alert to rumours or the trend of opinion 注意谣传或舆论动向 □ in one ear and out the other heard but disregarded or quickly forgotten (对别人的话)不当回事;左耳朵进右耳朵出;很快忘记 □ out on one's ear dismissed ignominiously 不光彩地被解雇,开除;被不客气地赶走 □ up to one's ears (often foll. by 常后跟 in) colloq. deeply involved or occupied [口]深深卷入,深陷 □ eared adj. (also in comb. 亦用于复合词)□ earless adj.[Old English ēare from Germanic: related to Latin auris, Greek ous] |