释义 |
A1/ei/n. (also 亦作 a) (pl. As or A's) 1 the first letter of the alphabet 英文字母表中的第 1 个字母 2 Mus. the sixth note of the diatonic scale of C major 【音】 C 大调音阶的第 6 个音, A 音 3 the first hypothetical person or example A (假定的第 1 个人或例子) 4 the highest class or category (of roads, academic marks, etc.) 最高等级的,第一流的(道路、学习成绩等) 5 (usu. 通常作 a) Algebra the first known quantity 【代数】第一已知量 6 a human blood type of the ABO system (ABO 血型分类中的)A 型血 □ from A to B from one place to another 从 A 到 B ,从甲地到乙地 a means of getting from A to B 从 A 地到 B 地的途径 □ from A to Z over the entire range; completely 从 A 到 Z ,从头至尾;彻底地 |