释义 |
breeze1/bri:z/ n. & v.●n. 1 a gentle wind 微风 2 Meteorol. a wind of force 2 to 6 on the Beaufort scale (4 - 31 m.p.h.) 【气】(蒲福风级) 2 级至 6 级的风(每小时 4 至 31 英里) 3 a wind blowing from land at night or sea during the day 白昼海风;夜间陆风 4 esp. Brit. colloq. a quarrel or display of temper [尤英口]争吵;发脾气 5 esp. N. Amer. colloq. an easy task [尤北美口]轻而易举的事情 ●v. intr. (foll. by 后跟 in, out, along, etc.) colloq. come or go in a casual or light-hearted manner [口]飘然而至;飘然而去 [probably from Old Spanish & Portuguese briza ‘NE wind’] |