

单词 between
释义 between/biˈtwi:n/ prep. & adv.prep. 1a at or to a point in the area or interval bounded by two or more other points in space, time, etc. (空间、时间等)位于…之间,处在…之间 broke down between London and Dover 在伦敦和多佛尔之间出了故障了; we must meet between now and Friday 我们必须在现在到星期五之间见一次面 b along the extent of such an area or interval 介于…之间 there are five shops between here and the main road 从这儿到大路共有 5 家商店; works best between five and six 5 点到 6 点之间工作最好; the numbers between 10 and 20 10 20 之间的数 2 separating, physically or conceptually 分隔着…,被…隔开 the distance between here and Leeds 从这儿到利兹的距离; the difference between right and wrong 是非之别 3a by combining the resources of 合在一起,共同 great potential between them 他们的巨大潜力; between us we could afford it 我们可以承担 b shared by; as the joint resources of 分享,共有 5 between them 他们共有 5 英镑 c by joint or reciprocal action 共同的行动 an agreement between us 我们之间的协议; sorted it out between themselves 他们自己把它整理了出来 4 to and from 行驶于…之间 runs between London and Sheffield 行驶于伦敦和谢菲尔德之间 5 taking one and rejecting the other of 在两者中选其一 decide between eating here and going out 决定是在这儿吃还是出去 adv. (also 亦作 in between) at a point or in the area bounded by two or more other points in space, time, sequence, etc. 在期间,在中间 not fat or thin but in between 不是胖也不是瘦,而是不胖不瘦 between ourselves (or you and me) in confidence 秘密地,私下里 between times (or whiles) in the intervals between other actions; occasionally 不时;偶尔 [Old English betwēonum, from Germanic (as BY, TWO)]
Usage 用法说明
Use in sense 3 with reference to more than two people or things is established and acceptable (e.g. relations between Britain, France, and Germany). 在释义 3 中连用两个以上的人或物是可以接受的(如英法德之间的关系)




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