释义 |
deprecate/ˈdeprikeit/v. tr. 1 express disapproval of or a wish against (a plan, proceeding, purpose, etc.); deplore; plead earnestly against 对(计划、做法、目的等)表示不赞成;反对 deprecate hasty action 反对匆忙行事 2a express disapproval of (a person); reprove 抨击(某人), 责骂 b = DEPRECIATE 2 3 archaic pray against [古义]祈求免于遭受… □ deprecatingly adv.□ deprecation /-ˈkeiʃ(ə)n/ n.□ deprecative /ˈdeprikətiv/ adj.□ deprecator n.□ deprecatory /-ˈkeit(ə)ri/ adj.[Latin deprecari (as DE-, precari ‘pray’)]■ Usage 用法说明 Although frequently encountered, the use of deprecate in sense 2b is widely regarded as incorrect. It is especially common, however, and no longer considered incorrect, in combination with self-, with self-deprecation, self-deprecating, and self-deprecatory being used far more often than self-depreciation, self-depreciating, and self-depreciatory. 尽管经常见到 deprecate 用作释义 2b ,但这被广泛地认为是错误的。然而,本词要是和 self 连用,如 self-deprecation , self-deprecating 是十分常见的,也不再被认为是错误。而且, selfdeprecatory 比 self-depreciation , self-depreciating 和 self-depreciatory 用得更为频繁。 |