释义 |
back/bæk/ n., adv., v. & adj.●n. 1a the rear surface of the human body from the shoulders to the hips (人体的)后背,背部 b the corresponding upper surface of an animal's body (牲畜的)背 c the spine 脊骨 fell and broke his back 摔断了脊骨 d the keel of a ship (船的)龙骨 2a any surface regarded as corresponding to the human back, e.g. of the head or hand, or of a chair (如头、手、椅子的)后部,背部 b the part of a garment that covers the back (衣服的)后襟,后片 3a the less active or visible or important part of something functional, e.g. of a knife or a piece of paper (如刀、一页纸的)背部,后面,背面 write it on the back 把它写在背面 b the side or part normally away from the spectator or the direction of motion or attention, e.g. of a car, house, or room (如车、房、屋的)后边,尾部,后部 stood at the back 站在后边 4a a defensive player in field games 后卫 b this position 后卫区 5 (作 the Backs) the grounds of Cambridge colleges which back on to the River Cam 剑桥大学的后花园 ●adv. 1 to the rear; away from what is considered to be the front 向后地,远离前部地 go back a bit 后退一点; ran off without looking back 不往后看地跑 2a in or into an earlier or normal position or condition 在原处,回原处 came back late 回来得晚; went back home 回家; ran back to the car 跑回轿车处; put it back on the shelf 放回书架上 b in return 送还 pay back 归还 3 in or into the past 以前,追溯 back in June 追溯到 6 月; three years back 3 年前 4 at a distance 在远处 stand back from the road 站在离开大路很远的地方 5 in check 处于被钳制状态 hold him back 止住他 6 (foll. by 后跟 of) N. Amer. behind [北美]在后边 was back of the house 在房子后边 ●v. 1 tr.a help with moral or financial support (在道义、财政方面)支持 b bet on the success of (a horse etc.) 下赌注于(马等) 2 tr. & intr. move, or cause (a vehicle etc.) to move, backwards (使)后退,(使)倒退 3 tr.a put or serve as a back, background, or support to 用作背面(背景、支持等) b Mus. accompany 【音】伴奏 4 tr. lie at the back of 位于…的后面 a beach backed by steep cliffs 海滨的后边是陡壁 5 intr. (of the wind) move round in an anticlockwise direction (风)逆时针方向旋转 ●attrib. adj. 1 situated behind, esp. as remote or subsidiary (尤指偏远的或辅助的)后面的 back entrance 后门; back teeth 后牙 2 of or relating to the past; not current (有关)过去的,过期的,旧的 back pay 欠薪; back issue 过期杂志 3 reversed 向后的,反向的 back flow 倒流 4 Phonet. formed at the back of the mouth 【语音】舌后的,舌根的 □ at a person's back in pursuit or support 追随;支持 □ at the back of one's mind remembered but not consciously thought of (不经意地)想起 □ back and forth to and fro 来回地 □ back down withdraw one's claim or point of view etc.; concede defeat in an argument etc. 收回原来的声明(或观点);在争论中承认失败 □ the back of beyond a very remote or inaccessible place 天涯海角,穷乡僻壤 □ back off 1 draw back, retreat 后退 2 abandon one's intention, stand, etc. 放弃原来的打算(立场等) □ back on to have its back adjacent to 后边与…连接 the house backs on to a field 房背朝田 □ back out (often foll. by 常后跟 of) withdraw from a commitment 收回承诺 □ back up 1 give (esp. moral) support to (尤指道义上)支持 2 Computing make a spare copy of (data, a disk, etc.) 【计算】(把资料、软盘等)备份 3 (of running water) accumulate behind an obstruction (自来水)受阻后积聚上升 4 reverse (a vehicle) into a desired position 倒(车) 5 form a queue of vehicles etc., esp. in congested traffic (尤指交通拥塞时)使(车辆等)排成长龙 □ get (or put) a person's back up annoy or anger a person 使某人生气 □ get off a person's back stop troubling a person 不再麻烦某人 □ go back on fail to honour (a promise or commitment) 违背(诺言、许诺等) □ know like the back of one's hand be entirely familiar with 了如指掌,非常熟悉 □ on one's back injured or ill in bed 受伤(或卧病)在床 □ on the back burner see 见 BURNER □ put one's back into approach (a task etc.) with vigour 竭尽全力于(某项任务等) □ see the back of see 见 SEE1 □ turn one's back on 1 abandon 放弃 2 ignore 无视,忽视 □ with one's back to (or up against) the wall in a desperate situation; hard-pressed 在走投无路(或被逼无奈)时 □ backer n. (in sense 1 of v. 用于动词释义 1)□ backless adj.[Old English bœc, from Germanic] |