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au.top.syH5C:7tBp7si, $5B:7tB:p-nthe cutting open and examination of a dead body in order to discover the cause of death; POSTMORTEM尸体解剖We are going to have to carry out/perform an autopsy. [C]我们将不得不进行一次尸体解剖。The autopsy on the prisoner showed that she had been taking drugs. [C]对那个犯人的尸体解剖表明她死前吸过毒。The body arrived for autopsy at the Dallas hospital. [U]为解剖准备的尸体已送到达拉斯医院。Small pieces of tissue are taken from the body at autopsy and sent to the lab for testing. [U]尸体解剖过程中取出了几小块组织送至实验室进行化验。