释义 |
strifestraIfn [U]violent or angry disagreement不和,冲突What are the prospects for overcoming the strife between the Christian minority and Muslim majority?解决基督教少数派和穆斯林多数派冲突的前景如何?Twenty years of civil strife have left the country's economy in ruins.20年的内乱使该国的经济遭到重创。He is accused of attempting to destabilise the country and provoke ethnic strife.他因企图扰乱国家安定和挑起种族斗争而遭到控诉。The company has managed to reduce the workforce with little industrial strife.这家公司在减少劳动力一事上并未造成劳资双方的冲突。We do not intend to be drawn into the internal strife of another country.我们不想卷入他国的内乱之中。