释义 |
ven.ture BUSINESSH5ven7tFE5, $-tLn [C]a plan of action, usually in business, which involves risk or uncertainty投机活动,商业冒险She advised us to look abroad for more lucrative business ventures.她建议我们去国外找找更多的有利可图的商业机会。He thought the venture far too risky and didn't want to become involved.他觉得那项投机过于冒险了,因此不想参与。There are many joint ventures between American and Japanese companies.有许多美国和日本公司建立的合资企业。The company's overseas turnover is expanding with joint ventures being launched in the Far East.由于在远东地区开办了合资企业,该公司的海外业务在扩展。Venture capital is money that is invested or is available for investment in a new company, esp. a risky one.风险资本;冒险投入资本They'll need to raise £1 million in venture capital if they're to get the business off the ground.假如他们想要商务开始运行,需要筹集到一百万英镑的风险资本。Increasing competition in local markets is forcing venture capitalists to look farther afield for companies to back.当地市场日益激烈的竞争迫使风险资本投资者用更远的目光寻求可信赖的公司。Simon is a manager of a venture capital company/firm/group/fund.西蒙是一家风险资本公司/商号/集团/基金的经理。