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show (obj)HFEJ, $FoJvpast simple showed, past part shown &HSRWn, $SoWn展出Our aim is to make it easier for young unknown artists to show their work (= make it available for the public to see). [T]我们的目的是方便年轻不知名的艺术家展示作品。The paintings and etchings will be shown in the National Gallery until May 24. [T]油画和蚀刻画将在国家美术馆中展出至5月24日。To show a film is to cause it to appear on a cinema screen or to be broadcast on television.放映I'd really like to go and see that film, but they're only showing it at 11 o'clock, which is too late for me. [T]我真的想去看那部电影,但他们只在11点放映,对我来说太晚了。It's the first time this film has been shown on British television. [T]这部电影首次在英国电视中播映。The 'Evening News' provides a complete guide to what's showing at the cinemas in the area. [I]“晚间新闻”为该地区电影院正放映的影片提供了详尽的介绍。Now it is showing at a cinema near you! [I]现在此片正在你附近的电影院上映。