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flu.id5flU:7Idn, adj(a substance) which flows and is not solid流体(的),流质(的)When you have a fever it's best to drink plenty of fluid(s) (=have a lot to drink). [U / C]发烧时,最好是多喝一些流质食物。The doctor drained (off) / removed some fluid (=unwanted liquid) from her lung. [U]医生从她的肺里排出/清除了一些液体。A loss of bodily fluids, for example by getting too hot and not drinking enough, can lead to dehydration and death. [C]诸如因太热或饮水不够而引起体液损失,会导致脱水和死亡。(specialized) In chemistry, a fluid is a substance which flows and fills the container it is in, so liquids and gases are both called fluids. [C]流体(fig.) The dancer's movements were beautifully fluid (=smooth and flowing).那个舞蹈演员的动作优美流畅。(fig.) If situations / ideas / plans are fluid, they are not fixed and are likely to change.易变的,不固定的,不稳定的The military situation is still fluid.军事形势还是不稳定。A fluid ounce is a measurement of liquid equal to (Br) 0.024 or (Am) 0.030 of a litre. 液盎司,液量盎司(等于英国0. 024升或美国0. 030升)There are 20 fluid ounces in a British PINT and 16 in an American one.一英国品脱有20液量盎司,一美国品脱有16液量盎司。