释义 |
short TIMEHFC:t, $FC:rtadj-er, -est being an amount of time which is less than average or usual(时间)短的It's quite a short film.这是部很短的影片。He's grown so much in such a short time.他在如此短的时间里长高了这么多。I can work better if I give myself short breaks every hour or so.如果每小时让自己短暂休息一下,我能干得更好。I will have to cancel this afternoon's class--I'm sorry it's such short notice (= so near the time).我将不得不取消今天下午的课----我对这个临时通知感到抱歉。If books, letters and other examples of writing are short, they do not contain many words and do not take much time to read.简短的It's a very short book--you'll read it in an hour.这本书篇幅很短----你能在一小时内读完。(Br infml) If you are caught/taken short, you suddenly and unexpectedly need to go to the toilet, especially when it is not convenient for you to do so.突然感到要上厕所I was caught short at the station and had to use their revolting toilets.我在车站突然感到要上厕所,不得不使用他们那令人作呕的厕所。If you make short work of something, you deal with it quickly.快速解决My grandfather is in favour of the short sharp shock treatment (=quick, effective punishment) for young offenders.我的祖父赞同对年轻罪犯采取快速有效的惩戒。(infml humorous) This morning's lecture was short and sweet (= surprisingly or pleasingly short).今天早上的课程短得出奇。If a feeling or experience is short-lived, it only lasts for a short time.短暂的I had a few relationships at college, most of which were fairly short-lived.我同大学同学有一些联系,但大多数都十分短暂。If someone has a short memory, they forget things easily.健忘If you get or are given short shrift by someone, you are treated without sympathy and given little attention.淡漠的对待He'll get short shrift from me if he starts complaining about money again, now I know how much he earns!他再抱怨钱的问题我不会理睬他,现在我知道他赚多少!If you make short shrift of something, you deal with or get rid of it quickly.快速的解决You two made short shrift of (= ate quickly) that cheesecake!你们两个这么快就吃掉了那块乳酪蛋糕!If someone who works at a factory or in an office is on short time (also reduced time), they are working fewer days or hours than usual for less money because there is not much work to do.工时不足的He's been put on short time because business is so quiet.因为生意清淡,他工时不足。