释义 |
tem.per.anceHtem7p[r7[nts, H-prEnts, $-pL7[ntsn [U] fmlcontrol of your own behaviour, such as not drinking or eating too much节欲(如戒酒、节制饮食等)As a Methodist, he was a fervent advocate of temperance.身为一名卫理公会教徒(循道宗信徒),他是禁欲的热情拥护者。Temperance is also the habit of not drinking alcohol because you believe it is dangerous or wrong.戒酒,禁酒Temperance societies were set up in the 18th and 19th centuries to persuade people to stop drinking alcohol.在18、19世纪成立了一些劝说人们戒酒的禁酒协会。