释义 |
shad.ow obj FOLLOWH5FAd7EJ, $-oJv [T]to follow closely尾随,跟踪The police think that the robbers shadowed their victims for days before the crime.警察认为抢劫犯是在盯梢受害者多日后再作案的。His every move to and from his house was shadowed by a private detective.他的一进一出都受到私家侦探的跟踪。Every time Carter got control of the ball, he was shadowed by Lynch.每次卡特得到球之后,就会被林奇盯上。Your first week in the job will be spent shadowing one of our more experienced employees.你的第一周将用来跟随我们这里经验丰富的雇员工作。The Swiss franc has closely shadowed the D-mark.瑞士法郎紧跟在德国马克之后。